Bure Valley U8 Lionesses Cup Game | Bure Valley YFC | Youth

Bure Valley U8 Lionesses Cup Game

Bure Valley U8 Lionesses Cup Game

Bure Valley U8 Lionesses played Kirkley and Pakefield Sapphires in their last group cup game with a win needed to secure their place in the cup final.

The first half started with the Sapphires putting us under a lot of pressure. Disappointedly, after 5 minutes, Autumn, who had been poorly for the last 3 weeks, didn't have the energy to take part in any more of the game. Tiana came on and instantly made some surging runs forward. Unfortunately, Sapphires took the lead soon after. However, Lilah equalised staight away. It was a very tense start to the game, and Betsy was an absolute rock at the back, making cruicial tackle after tackle. Darcie was her ever threatening self and tried hard to take the lead for us. Eva and Edie joined the game halfway through the half. Eva helping Betsy when needed and Edie and Darcie began their normal link up play with Edie (who had battled her way, so determined, down the line) soon playing a lovely ball through to Darcie who dragged the ball back so effortlessly from the edge of the pitch and scored a quality goal bottom corner.

Not long after, Darcie played a lovely ball across the box to Tiana, who had found great space but couldn't quite get on the end of it. The half ended with a great shot stopper from Ada, who was having a great game in goal.

The second half saw Darcie (after a lovely pass from Lilah) hit the post and Edie put a shot wide when not brave enough to try to use her left foot. Positive praise followed about being in great space to shoot and encouragement to next time give her left foot a go. I believed she could, and she just needed to believe in herself. Sapphires hit the post, and Ada made another wonderful save. Lilah was showing her strength on the ball as she tried to find a way through their defence, and Tiana was driving forward, too. It was end to end, but everyone was working hard to make sure that when we lost the ball, we got back and defended.

Into the last ten minutes of the game and Edie gave us the security of a 2 goal lead when she scored a lovely long distance strike which despite the Sapphires keeper's fantastic dive made it into the bottom corner! Betsy was on fine form still at the back, and Ada was quick off her line to clear or collect the ball when needed. Sapphires then scored their second from a long-distance rocket from their number 5, who we awarded our player of the match. The girls knew how important it was that we didn't let the Sapphires through for the rest of the game and Darcie decided to drop back a little and worked hard to track back and win the ball before looking to pass it up the pitch. I asked Eva for the last 5 minutes to defend on the halfway line, giving us the safety of 2 defenders, and she did exactly as she was asked. Next came such a selfless pass and a fantastic piece of team play as Darcie won the ball outwide from a throw, took a brilliant first touch inside, then another great touch past the defender and instead of shooting rolled a left foot pass through to Edie who tapped it into the back of the net with her left foot! A couple of minutes later, Edie scored again with her left foot to complete her hattrick.

I am so proud of all the girls. Kirkley and Pakefield had improved massively since we played them at the start of the season. This was such a close game, which the eventual score did not reflect. However, our determination to keep battling and working hard to win the ball back/defend and our teamwork made sure the girls came out on top!

I am also very proud of the positive, supportive environment I have created for the girls to learn, develop and have fun playing football with their friends whilst being praised and encouraged and it was lovely to have our wonderful set of positive parent's setting such a good example too. Showing everyone how Saturday morning youth football should look!

Ada was awarded opposition P.O.M for some fantastic saves and for being quick off her line to collect or clear the ball, too.

Edie won parent's P.O.M for such a determined performance today. Never giving up on trying to win/keep the ball, scoring a hattrick, and getting an assist, too.

Finally, I gave 2 coach's medals today. Firstly, to Betsy, who had her best game of the season. She was amazing as the main defender and so reliable. Secondly, to Darcie, who worked super hard to drop back and defend today when needed, she really understood the importance of not letting them score. She also made such brilliant passes to her teammates, creating goal scoring opportunities and got an assist as well as scoring too.

Lilah showed strength driving forward/trying to win the ball back, made some good passes, and scored our first goal. Tiana showed great surging runs today, found space, and worked hard to tackle. Eva did lots of good tackles and defended brilliantly for the last 5 minutes as a second defender. Autumn had a strong 5 minutes of the game before not having the energy to play anymore. She knew today's game was important and made a very grown-up decision that it was best for players to play who could give 100 percent. Always doing her best for the team even when not playing, a great captain.

I'm forever proud of this wonderful group of girls (including the girls not playing today). Bring on the final!

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